Tag: Moscow

Lilia Kozak (Belarus) 60kg Sianat Shahsinova (Russia)

admin 26.01.2017 514 No Comments


II World Championship 2013 Moscow  

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The 2d h2h fighting Championship was held in Moscow

admin 22.04.2013 490 No Comments


The 2d h2h fighting Championship is held in Moscow. The tournament bring together athletes from more than 40 countries. And the last year there were only 23 countries. Hand 2 hand fight is an ancient Russian martial art which is celebrated more than 3000 years. Its new history began in the 70s of the lastRead More

Abkhazia – Russia. World Championship. Moscow 2011

admin 26.03.2013 476 No Comments


Первый Чемпионат Мира по рукопашному бою 2011 г. Москва. Россия

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Uzbekistan – Tajikistan. World Championship. Moscow 2011

admin 26.03.2013 483 No Comments


Первый Чемпионат Мира по рукопашному бою 2011 г. Москва. Россия

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Kazakhstan – Russia. World Championship. Moscow 2011 г.

admin 26.03.2013 441 No Comments


Первый Чемпионат Мира по рукопашному бою 2011 г. Москва. Россия

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Tajikistan – Turkmenistan. World Championship. Moscow 2011 г.

admin 26.03.2013 398 No Comments


Первый Чемпионат Мира по рукопашному бою 2011 г. Москва. Россия

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USA – Afganistan. World Championship. Moscow 2011 г.

admin 26.03.2013 369 No Comments


Первый Чемпионат Мира по рукопашному бою 2011г. Москва. Россия

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Tajikistan – Kyrgyzstan. World Championship. Moscow. 2011г.

admin 26.03.2013 389 No Comments


WC Tajikistan – Kyrgyzstan 2011г.

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Afganistan – Jordan. World Championship. Moscow. 2011г.

admin 26.03.2013 403 No Comments


WC Afganistan – Jordan

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Hand-to-hand fighting World Championship. Demonstration performances

admin 19.02.2013 460 No Comments


Показательные выступления по рукопашному бою на чемпионате мира 2011 года.

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