Month: April 2013

The 2d h2h fighting Championship was held in Moscow

admin 22.04.2013 615 No Comments


The 2d h2h fighting Championship is held in Moscow. The tournament bring together athletes from more than 40 countries. And the last year there were only 23 countries. Hand 2 hand fight is an ancient Russian martial art which is celebrated more than 3000 years. Its new history began in the 70s of the lastRead More

International Matchup Russia – USA (25.09.2008): 60 kg

admin 01.04.2013 573 No Comments


Международная матчевая встреча Россия-США (25 сентября 2008): 60 кг. Вахитов Альгиз (вес 60 кг) Чемпион России 2007 / Патрик Майкл Конли (Patrick Michael Conley) (вес 60 кг) Победитель соревнований

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