Navoi. The Republic Of Uzbekistan. 3rd stage of the Champions League on unarmed combat

11.03.2017 550 77 No Comments


Unarmed combat is tough, but not cruel sport!
People in 40 countries are professionally engaged in unarmed combat!
In Russia unarmed combat is a mass sport, which is preferred by more than 200,000 people.
Uzbekistan is a country that is actively developing in hand-to-hand sports. Athletes of Uzbekistan have a good preparation and continuous growth of skills of combat.
We offer 5 spectacular and exciting fights!

  1. 68 кг.
    Jamshid Begmatov  (Uzbekistan)
    Renat Bulikin (Russia)


  1. 75 кг.
    Maksim Efremenko (Russia)
    Jahongir Jumaev (Uzbekistan)


  1. 85 кг.
    Denis Tomuz (Moldova)
    Begzod Nurmatov (Uzbekistan)


  1. +90 кг.
    Aleksandr Lyaх (Moldova)
    Ilvos Raimov (Uzbekistan)


  1. 80 кг.
    Nurmuhamed Beslaneev (Russia)
  2. Odil Sirojiddinov (Uzbekistan)
Champions league

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